Sunday, December 14, 2008

Introducing Tiny Kitchen in Dearborn

Since finishing college and starting to live on my own, I really haven't done very much cooking beyond meeting my basic need for sustenance. This is unfortunate, because I used to love cooking. I think a big part of the enjoyment I received from cooking came from having housemates to cook for; without someone with whom to share the food I make, I lose much of the enjoyment of the process.

Hopefully by starting this blog, I can share a meal or two with you every week. This is mainly selfish, because the main goal here is to make a couple of post-worthy meals every week; I'm going to be the one eating those meals, but I will post photographs and recipes so that you, my dear reader, can try them and join me in enjoying a delicious meal.

1 comment:

  1. this whole idea seems entirely too selfish. there must be a way for me to eat too!
